Global Reach
Supports automated investment interactions with trading providers on 5 continents. Africa to be supported soon. Antarctica not likely 😉
Real Time Prices
Monitors real time pricing on over 6000 high liquidity, trade-able “instruments” on the world’s major stock, commodity FX & cryptocurrency exchanges.
Designed to stay available and functioning with optimal performance 24/7. LoTeVa has never been down during any active trading period.
Multiple Portfolios
Support for multiple, independent portfolios, each with its own trading accounts and risk appetite settings. Portfolios remain financially separate.
Hyper Diversified
Keeps total investment per “instrument” to less than 1% (each individual trade = 0.2%) of portfolio value and maintains diversity by asset class and geography.
Priceless Historical Data
LoTeVa has access to over 25 years of historical minute level pricing on over 10,000 instruments. This data is vital for the AI engine to develop its algorithms.
Each Trade = 0.2% of Portfolio
LoTeVa categorises each instrument for volatility and trend under five separate time windows. 18 months; 18 weeks; 18 days; 18 hours and 18 minutes.
Real Time Momentum Response
LoTeVa monitors the open order book and is able to respond to unusual buy or sell pressure for a watched “instrument” within seconds
Continuous Improvement
The AI engine is constantly running to identify the most profitable algorithm for each combination of volatility and current trend.
Proof is in the returns
LoTeVa has achieved better than a 33% return in every year it has been live. These returns have been achieved without any gearing.
Private use only
LoTeVa is currently not available for public use. It is not expected that it will ever be made available for wider use because having more portfolios competing for target trades may disrupt the returns being achieved and be financially speaking, counter productive.
LoTeVa Maintainance
LoTeVa is very stable and mature. Maintenance is predominately routine for both the hardware and applying commercially available updates to the operating systems used.
Additional Information
What are “instruments” ?
LoTeVa monitors real time prices and trading volumes transacted for each of its selected instruments in real time. An instrument in this sense may be:
Explain the five time periods
LoTeVa continuously assesses five separate time periods for each of the instruments it monitors
Introducing LoTeVa
Welcome to This website is the public face of an AI based, proprietary trading system. LoTeVa has been designed and built by James Komninos to provide Long Term Value to the investment portfolios it manages. LoTeVa obtains live prices on over 6000 trade-able instruments. An instrument in this sense includes shares listed on the…